EURoma meeting pays particular attention to ensuring that territorial approaches are inclusive with Roma
The meeting, hosted by Hungarian partners, also allowed participants to review and exchange on relevant policy and financial developments related to EU Funds and Roma equality and inclusion, the consideration of Roma children in the implementation of the Child Guarantee and the EU Cohesion Policy beyond 2027.
European Parliament own-initiative report on the European Social Fund Plus post-2027
As part of the reflection and contribution to the design of Cohesion Policy after 2027, the European Parliament is working on an own-initiative report on ESF+ after 2027. The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs is leading the process.
European Parliament approves composition of new European Commission
On 27 November, the European Parliament approved the new composition of the College of Commissioners. Several Commissioners have responsibilities relevant to the promotion of Roma equality and inclusion and to EU funds.
Commission's report on implementation of National Roma Strategic Frameworks (NRSFs)
While focusing on the areas for improvement identified in the Commission’s initial stock-taking, it also refers to other areas and to the use of funds. EURoma is mentioned as a tool to foster engagement and cooperation of NRCPs and Funds authorities.
Polish Presidency of the EU: Relevant priorities for Roma equality and inclusion and EU Funds
Poland will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU from 1 January to 30 June 2025. Although there is no reference to Roma, the different Council configurations will work on various aspects relevant to EU funds and to Roma equality and inclusion.
Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion
Elaborated under the Hungarian Presidency of the EU, they encourage EU Member States to ensure that all citizens, including Roma, have equal access to quality enabling services and to employment services. A wide range of measures are proposed to this end.
Council Conclusions on labour and skills shortages in the European Union
Roma are not mentioned in the conclusions. However, Member States are invited to implement measures focusing on young people and paying particular attention to NEETs (not in education, employment or training), a group in which Roma are over-represented.
EURoma Network Secretariat participates in European Platform for Roma Inclusion
The meeting brought together policy makers,
funds managing authorities, civil society organisations and other relevant actors to discuss on how to address territorial inequalities and harness spatial planning to promote Roma equality, inclusion and participation.