12 Apr 2010 | Management Committee meetings, News
In the city of Córdoba, Spain, where the Second European Roma Summit was celebrated the 8th April, EURoma members have had their Management Committee meeting and a Working Group session focussed on partnership. They started working together on key messages…
28 Feb 2010 | Management Committee meetings
This EURoma event aimed at exchanging experiences between local and regional administrations working for the improvement of the living conditions of the Roma communities, gathered more than 100 participants coming from administrations of 12 countries.
26 Sep 2009 | Management Committee meetings, News
Welcoming words were addressed by the Swedish ESF Unit Director General, Ms. Asa Lindh and the Spanish ESF Managing Authority Head, Mr. Carlos Tortuero. Swedish partners –coorganizers and hostess of the meeting- presented an overview and analyzed the situation of the Roma in that country as well as the policies aimed at this population.
10 May 2009 | Management Committee meetings, News
The EURoma network held its first management committee of the year 2009 in Budapest, Hungary, on the 7th and 8th of May. On the 6th and 7th May, participants in the working group on education debated how to fight against the segregation of Roma children in the educational system using the Structural Funds…
6 Oct 2008 | Management Committee meetings
On the 2nd and 3rd of October, Greece hosted the 2nd MCM with the aim of continuing the mutual learning process among partners through sharing updated information on their Operational Programmes, National Action Plans as well as recent developments on Roma-related issues at national and European level.
10 May 2008 | Management Committee meetings, News
The second EURoma’s meeting (7 – 8 May 2008) was held at the historical Victoria Palace in Bucharest, aiming at reaching agreements on the methodology, operation and actions of Working Groups as well as other Network-related issues. The Management Committee agreed on the working papers and methodology that will be used by the members of the Network.