European Parliament report on the social and employment situation of Roma communities in Slovakia
One of the aspects reviewed in this report, commissioned by the Parliaments’ Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, is the achievements and lessons learnt on the use of EU Funds for the improvement of the lives of people from marginalised Roma communities...2019 European Commission’s report on implementation of NRIS released
The European Commission has released the 2019 Report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS). It provides an overview of Member States’ implementation of Roma inclusion measures, including main achievements and challenges, and formulates...European Parliament’s research on gender dimension of 2014-2020 EU Cohesion Policy
This research, focused on the ESF and the ERDF, aims to provide inputs for the discussion on how to improve the promotion of gender equality and non-discrimination in the post-2020 Cohesion Fund programming period. It includes case studies on eight selected countries ...This is a test post for the “Other Publications” category
New European Commission Guidance on the use of ESI Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation
The document provides recommendations on the efficient use of ESI Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation based on the applicable EU legislative and policy frameworks. EURoma shared its views on the drat version of the Guide.