Many Roma people in Europe face discrimination and social exclusion in their daily lives. They are marginalised and live in very poor socio-economic conditions.

The European Platform for Roma inclusion (or European Roma Platform) was created to support policy developments for Roma integration and stimulate exchanges and coordination among Member States, international organizations and Roma civil society.

The European Platform for Roma inclusion is an important forum for concerted actions of all relevant stakeholders for the economic and social integration of Roma people in Europe.

The Platform contributes to making both European and national policies more sensitive to Roma needs.

The 8th European Platform for Roma Inclusion -“It is urgent to make change for Roma children and Youth”.

The meeting will explore the urgent need and possible solutions for advancing the integration of Roma children and youth, who are particularly vulnerable also within the Roma communities. It will concentrate on finding positive integration models for Roma children and youth that overcome obstacles hindering their equal access to quality services in various fields. Four successive panel discussions will be held focusing on:

  1. Making change for Roma children from birth to compulsory school age (focus on health, early childhood education and care, and compulsory education);
  2. Making change for Roma youth (focus on the transition between school and employment);
  3. Roma empowerment: how Roma leaders can drive change;
  4. Following progress on the ground – shaping policies that work.

Participants will include: representatives from the Member States, international organisations, civil society, academics and local and regional authorities from all over Europe.Source and further info:

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