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The 8th European Platform for Roma Inclusion

The 8th European Platform for Roma Inclusion

Many Roma people in Europe face discrimination and social exclusion in their daily lives. They are marginalised and live in very poor socio-economic conditions. The European Platform for Roma inclusion (or European Roma Platform) was created to support policy...

1st EURoma meeting takes place in Seville, Spain

1st EURoma meeting takes place in Seville, Spain

Europe has recently seen a steady increase in anti-Gypsyism at all levels, affecting not only Romani communities but also the capacity of governments to address the situation. For this reason, the past 24th and 25th of January a European Network was launched in Seville…

EURoma management committee meeting and working groups sessions in Hungary

EURoma management committee meeting and working groups sessions in Hungary

The EURoma network held its first management committee of the year 2009 in Budapest, Hungary, on the 7th and 8th of May. On the 6th and 7th May, participants in the working group on education debated how to fight against the segregation of Roma children in the educational system using the Structural Funds…

VI EURoma Management Committee Meeting- Stockholm, Sweden

VI EURoma Management Committee Meeting- Stockholm, Sweden

Welcoming words were addressed by the Swedish ESF Unit Director General, Ms. Asa Lindh and the Spanish ESF Managing Authority Head, Mr. Carlos Tortuero. Swedish partners –coorganizers and hostess of the meeting- presented an overview and analyzed the situation of the Roma in that country as well as the policies aimed at this population.

EURoma gathers in Prague for the first Management Committee meeting of 2011

EURoma gathers in Prague for the first Management Committee meeting of 2011

EURoma members coming from the ESF and ERDF Managing Authorities as well as bodies responsible for policies at national level for Roma communities, and other relevant stakeholders gathered in Prague last 11th and 12nd of May in order to work on a guide on how to better use Structural Funds for the social inclusion of Roma at local level…

EURoma Network meets in November in Budapest

EURoma Network meets in November in Budapest

The EURoma Network held its half-yearly meeting on 10th-11th November in the city of Budapest, hosted by the Hungarian partners. The meeting gathered some 70 participants, including Structural Funds Managing Authorities and public bodies in charge of Roma policies from the 12 Member States currently involved in the Network…

EURoma Network meets in May in Bratislava

EURoma Network meets in May in Bratislava

The EURoma Network held its half-yearly meeting in May in Bratislava hosted by the Slovak partners. It brought together over 55 participants to discuss a wide range of topics related to Roma and Structural Funds which are currently on the European agenda.

EURoma meets 13th and 14th of December in Madrid

EURoma meets 13th and 14th of December in Madrid

EURoma held its autumn meeting on the 13th and 14th of December in Madrid. Hosted by the Spanish partners, the meeting gathered around 60 participants, including Structural Funds Managing Authorities and public bodies in charge of Roma policies from 16 European countries participating at the meeting…

EURoma Technical Secretariat:
Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)
C/ Ahijones s/n, 28010, Madrid (Spain)
Tel.: +34 91 422 09 68

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