In the framework of the ESF+ mid-term evaluation, the European Commission is seeking views  on effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of the ESF+ since its entry into force until end 2023. The consultation is open until 13 February. 

The European Commission invites relevant stakeholders (including institutions and organisations involved in the programming and management of the programmes, institutions responsible for design and implementation of national strategies and measures co-financed by the ESF+ and organisations involved in delivering operations as beneficiaries or project partners) to share their views on the  effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

This consultation is part of the mid-term evaluation of the ESF+, which is planned to be completed in the second quarter of 2024. The mid-term evaluation is a regulatory requirement with a two-fold purpose:

  • To provide evidence on what works and what does not;
  • To provide input to the impact assessment for the rules governing the post-2027 funds.

In this context, the European Commission is calling for evidence for the evaluation with the aim to:

  • Deliver findings about the fund’s main changes compared with the 2014-2020 programming period in internal design, continuous relevance and interplay with other instruments.
  • Take a closer look at how simplification measures have worked and identify if there is potential for further simplification.

The analysis aims to assess both the ESF+ strand under shared management and the Employment and Social Innovation strand (the ‘EaSI strand’) implemented under direct and indirect management.

As regards the timeframe, it will cover the programming period starting with the ESF+ Regulation’s entry into force until end 2023. It will include both the programming and the early phase of implementation in the EU-27. As implementation is only starting, evidence is expected to be limited for reaching robust conclusions as regards the fund’s impacts on the ground. It will however identify challenges emerging so far compared with the 2014-2020 period and propose any relevant improvements.

Target audience, includes:

  • Institutions and organisations involved in the programming and management of the programmes.
  • Institutions responsible for design and implementation of national strategies and measures co-financed by the ESF+.
  • Organisations involved in delivering operations as beneficiaries or project partners.
  • Employment and Social Innovation national contact points and social innovation competence centres.
  • Representatives of participants/end recipients.
  • Academic and research bodies.
  • Representatives of the EU institutions.

How to contribute?

The consultation is open until 13 February 2024  (midnight Brussels time)

It is possible to contribute to the consultation in all EU official languages.

To contribute, please visit the website of the dedicated webpage for ESF+ mid-term evaluation

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