31st May 2011 | Brussels (Belgium)

The city of Budapest, in cooperation with Eurocities and the Committee of the Regions, is planning to organise a high-level meeting on ‘Cities and regions – joining forces for inclusion of Roma populations under the new EU Framework’, as one of the events under the Hungarian Presidency. The seminar will look at the new EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies from the perspective of local and regional authorities, and identify the potential and obstacles of its implementation on the ground. The framework will be discussed in a first round by representatives of the EU institutions (European Commission, Parliament, Council and Committee of the Regions) and in a second round by actors closer to the ground, including representatives of Roma-organisations, the Budapest-led URBACT-network Roma-Net and the EUROCITIES task force on Roma inclusion. The seminar will also look at available EU funding and the reform of the EU Structural Funds in the upcoming programming period (2014-2020). It will also feature a presentation of good practice in the field of Roma-inclusion and an  exhibition.

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