7th April 2010 | Córdoba, Spain

Employment Working Group session

It will focus on Partnership Alliances for the employment of Roma. Some group of discussion among members will analyse different types of partnership in order to identify elements for success and how obstacles can/should be overcome. It is considered partnership as a key element for efficient practices to tackle Roma inclusion in the labour market.Four experiences will be presented: one from public employment services; one underlying the added value of working together with civil society; one focusing on the partnership with training entities and another one showing partnership with enterprises.

Management Committee Meeting (MCM)

As agreed at the MCM in Rome (24th February), Network partners will start working together on key messages in order to agree on EURoma proposals for the next regulations. The idea is to debate and reach agreement and common positions concerning some topics which could contribute, according to Network partners, to make the use of Structural Funds more efficient for Roma inclusion in the next SF programming period (2014-2020).Most of the MCM will therefore focus on this topic and, in this line there will be working session which includes:. Presentation: Introduction to the EU framework established by the new regulations 2014-2020 and the EU 2020 Strategy. Invited expert.. Presentation of the Technical Secretariat proposal and discussion. Launching of an internal reflection process to reach a common position as regards next SF regulations. Presentation of the objectives, process, calendar and stages.

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