5th-6th December 2011 | Brussels (Belgium)

The conference to be held in Brussels on 5-6 December will take stock of how inequalities develop and explore ways of how to mitigate them.

The debate is in line with the focus of the EU’s Europe 2020 strategy on inclusive growth, and notably on sharing the benefits of growth widely. It will serve as inspiration for European policy making and its results will be summarised in a flash report to be released after the conference.

The participants include both policy makers, social partners, academics and Commission staff.

Seven panels will deal with crucial aspects of inequalities:

  • Labour market inequalities and their mitigation
  • Geographic dimension of social inequalities and their mitigation
  • Mitigating inequalities through taxation – taxing fairly and efficiently
  • Role of health and equal opportunities policies in mitigating inequalities
  • Redistribution, cash benefits for mitigating inequalities
  • Role of education and child policies – tomorrow’s inequalities are here, in our children
  • Conclusions, Europe 2020 and the future of a sustainable welfare state in the EU

The EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor will open the conference.

Participation is by invitation only.

For further information, please check http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId;=88&eventsId;=357&furtherEvents;=yes

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