12-13 October 2009 | Bucharest, Romania

The European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF), an international umbrella organisation based in Strasbourg, incorporating Roma NGOs and struggling against racism and discrimination towards the Roma, is organising a two-day High Level Conference on the Security Situation of Roma in Europe in partnership with the Committee for Human Rights, Cults and National Minorities Issues of the Romanian Parliament and Partida Romilor Pro Europa (Roma Party for Europe).

The aim of the conference is to generate discussions on the rise of anti-Tziganism and the increase of hostilities and violence against the Roma in Europe. Participants will include main stakeholders, high level representatives and decision-makers of European and inter-governmental human rights institutions, as well as non-governmental and civil society organizations from Council of Europe Member States.

The ERTF published a call for papers addressing the following themes: historical parallels with the current situation of the Roma,  methodologies for identifying economic migration and forced migration, minimum standards for the integration of migrants and for ensuring their access to citizenship and equality, de facto and de jure statelessness of Roma, Implementation deficits of the Free Movement Directive (2004/38/EC) Mechanisms introduced to fight against xenophobic and racially motivated crimes committed against Roma in Europe, and exchange of best practices.

Applicants wishing to present their papers are invited to submit their abstract (150 words) and CV in English to the Secretariat of the ERTF by 28 September 2009, at ertf@coe.int.

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