Belgrade, 31st March and 1st April 2009 | Belgrade, Serbia

The main objectives of the workshop are:

  • to provide different options for production of statistics on Roma – presenting existing practices applied in selected countries of the region
  • to introduce to participants a methodology for assessing the progress of the Decade through measuring integration
  • to provide examples of monitoring frameworks developed in some countries of the Decade
  • to bring more clarity to differentiating between the monitoring indicators and statistical data needed for calculating the indicators through exploring the feasibility of suggested monitoring indicators and data collection methods (with specific focus on the upcoming population censuses)
  • to secure Governments’ buy-in for broader initiatives in the area of data and monitoring (including the upcoming population censuses)  

This workshop intends to continue expert discussions on the specifics and use of individual data collection methods, lessons learned from the existing practices and policy suggestions for the Decade of Roma Inclusion progress monitoring (quantitative). It should be an expert input to the potential revisions of the NAPs reflecting the developments in individual Decade countries in the middle of the whole initiative.

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