Under its seven thematic areas of work, the Presidency will work on several initiatives of relevance for Roma equality and inclusion as well a for EU Funds, including on the future of Cohesion Policy or territorial inequalities. EURoma will follow closely the discussions in all these areas to promote that Roma equality and inclusion are taken into account.

From 1 July to 31 December 2024, Hungary assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, continuing the work of the previous Presidencies – Belgium (1 January-31 June 2024) and Spain (1 July-31 December 2023)- and before handing over the Presidency to the next EU Member State: Poland.

Hungary takes over the Presidency of the Council at a time of extraordinary circumstances and challenges. On the one hand, the EU is facing numerous challenges such as the ones related to the war in the EU’s neighbourhood, the effects of climate change and the impact of demographic trends. On the other hand, 2024 is a year of transition, with the changes in the European Parliament and the European Commission, and the start of the implementation of the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029, setting out the long-term guidelines for the Union’s future work.

Under its seven thematic areas of work, the Presidency will work on several initiatives of relevance for Roma equality and inclusion as well a for EU Funds including the following:

  • Future of Cohesion Policy post 2027. The aim of the Presidency is to encourage reflection on the future of Cohesion Policy, and to facilitate a strategic debate at the European Council. Additionally, it plans to adopt Council conclusions on the necessary and prominent role of Cohesion Policy in effectively addressing demographic challenges.
  • Social Policy. One of the priority areas will be to strengthen access to quality services by reducing territorial inequalities, and also the opportunities offered by the digital transition. This is linked to the general context of poverty reduction, the promotion of the implementation of the EU Roma Strategic Framework by Member States, and the more efficient use of EU Funds. The Presidency plans to adopt Council Conclusions in this field. The Presidency also intends to take forward ongoing files during its term.
  • Equal opportunities and gender equality. The Presidency aims to advance ongoing negotiations on the draft directive on equal treatment (Equal Treatment Directive), considered as a milestone in the application of the principle of equal treatment in terms of the EU.
  • Employment policy. Particular attenton will be paid to addressing labour shortages, involving available labour market reserves, and promoting a higher employment rate among the inactive working-age population. In this context, Council Conclusions on the untapped labour potential in the European Union are foreseen. The improvement of employment conditions and the working environment and improving the quality of employment will also be priorities for the Presidency as well as the promotion of  work-life balance both women and men.
  • Youth. The priority regarding youth empowerment and social inclusion will help young people in more isolated areas with fewer opportunities to thrive locally, while also addressing the demographic challenges that rural areas and young people are facing. In this context, the Hungarian Presidency plans to table Council Conclusions on providing local opportunities for young people living in rural and remote areas.
  • Education. The educational priorities of the Hungarian Presidency are defined around current issues such as competitive European higher education, adaptation to digital and green transition, and strategic partnerships in education and training, which must be promoted by tools of vocational training, higher education, and adult education. On the latter topic, the Hungarian Presidency plans to adopt Council Conclusions.
  • Digitalisation. The focus will be on implementing the twin transition (green and digital) by emphasising the relationship between emerging technologies, European competitiveness, and sustainability. Among emerging technologies, particular attention will be given to artificial intelligence (AI) and preparing for the implementation of the AI Act at both the EU and national levels by initiating consultations and exchanges of experience through thematic events.
  • Environmental and climate policy. The Presidency aims to contribute to the process of defining an ambitious, yet achievable, intermediate 2040 climate goal that guarantees that no citizen or Member State is left behind while ensuring the competitiveness and the security of energy supply of the EU throughout the green and just transition. The aim of the Hungarian Presidency is to hold policy debates and exchange views on the state of the Energy Union, energy security, electricity grid development, the promotion of technology neutrality (nuclear energy), and geothermal energy, with a view to ensuring  affordable, secure, and sustainable energy for EU industries and citizens, in line with the long-term goals of the Energy Union strategy.

EURoma will follow closely the discussions in all these areas to promote that Roma equality and inclusion are taken into account.

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