The document provides recommendations on the efficient use of ESI Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation based on the applicable EU legislative and policy frameworks. EURoma shared its views on the drat version of the Guide.

The European Commission has released a guidance note providing recommendations on the efficient use of European Structural and Investments Funds (ESI Funds) in tackling educational and spatial segregation based on the applicable EU legislative and policy frameworks. The EURoma Network shared its views on the draft version of the Guide.

This working document aims to assist the relevant public administration bodies of Member States, and in particular Managing Authorities, in effectively designing and implementing the investments to address the education and housing needs of marginalised communities (e.g. marginalised Roma, migrants and other socially disadvantaged groups), financed by the ESI Funds in the 2014-2020 period, by sharing with them the Commission’s services explanations and interpretation of the existing rules. The technical guidance provided can also be useful for practitioners, beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries, and other bodies involved in the monitoring, control or implementation of the cohesion policy on how to interpret and apply the EU rules in this area.

In the framework of this note, desegregation is defined as the action to eliminate segregation. Desegregation interventions should establish the conditions for equal access to high-quality services, including education, housing, labour market, health and any other relevant field.

It addresses all ESI Funds, although in terms of desegregation measures, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) are the two most important funding resources. These funds in general support investment in childcare, education, housing, social and health infrastructure, human capital, access to the labour market, social inclusion, training and vocational training for skills and life-long learning.

As regards the content, the Guide first provides information on the legal and policy framework setting the conditions of ESI Funds supporting desegregation measures in education and housing. It then explains the technical details of how to best address housing and education measures funded by ESI Funds. It finally provides examples for desegregation measures in different territorial settings.

Elaboration of the Guide

This guidance note builds on the EU anti-discrimination law and policy, including the 
thematic guidance fiche on Roma and marginalised communities 
and other policy guidance frameworks. It also builds on the 2011 COCOF note “Guidance note on the implementation of integrated housing interventions in favour of marginalised communities under the ERDF

The European Commission has also gathered feedback on the draft version of the Guide from relevant stakeholders as regards Roma inclusion and/or ESI Funds, including the EURoma Network. The Network Technical Secretariat has shared its views based on the experience of the EURoma Network as well as the ESF Learning Network ‘Reinforcing policy learning for Roma inclusion’ 
(also referred to as ‘ESF Roma Inclusion Network’ or ‘EURoma+ Network’), which during the planning process ran in parallel and as a complement to the EURoma Network.


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