Council Conclusions on access to services by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including Roma
On 2 December the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council adopted the Council Conclusions elaborated under the Hungarian EU Presidency on improving access to services to promote the social inclusion of people at risk of poverty or social...
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Roundtable on Roma and Housing
20 October 2009 | Brussels, BelgiumThe European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) launched its Report on Roma and Housing and hold a Roundtable on Roma and Housing on Tuesday 20th October 2009 in Brussels.The latest data provided by European Union...
High Level Events on the contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma
13th to 15th October 2009 | Budapest, Hungary Following the EURoma Summit in Brussels on 16 September 2008, the Commission committed to organise a series of High Level Events in the Member States on the most effective ways to use resources from the structural funds...
High Level Conference on the Security Situation of Roma in Europe
12-13 October 2009 | Bucharest, RomaniaThe European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF), an international umbrella organisation based in Strasbourg, incorporating Roma NGOs and struggling against racism and discrimination towards the Roma, is organising a two-day High...
Human dimension implementation meeting: Early Education for Roma and Sinti Children
7 October 2009 | Warsaw, PolandOn 7th October, the Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues (CPRSI) will organise a Special Day on Roma and Sinti focusing on the topic: Early Education for Roma and Sinti Children.Participants will include delegates of OSCE member...
Open Days 2009
7th October 2009 | Brussels, BelgiumThe seminar related to Roma issues will be titled "Cohesion Policy Experiences", and will take place on the 7th October 2009.Each seminar and workshop has a code relating to its date. For the aforementioned seminar, the code is...
Seven countries analyse the health situation of the Roma in Europe
1-2 October 2009 | Madrid, SpainRepresentatives of seven countries (Bulgaria, Slovakia, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic and Romania) celebrated in Madrid the International Seminar on “Health and the Roma Community. Analysis of the Situation in Europe” on...
Second meeting of the Integrated European Platform for Roma Inclusion
28th September 2009 | Brussels, BelgiumThe second meeting of the Integrated European Platform for Roma Inclusion, organised by the Swedish Presidency of the European Union in cooperation with the European Commission, will take place on the 28th of September...
VI EURoma Management Committee Meeting- Stockholm, Sweden
Welcoming words were addressed by the Swedish ESF Unit Director General, Ms. Asa Lindh and the Spanish ESF Managing Authority Head, Mr. Carlos Tortuero. Swedish partners –coorganizers and hostess of the meeting- presented an overview and analyzed the situation of the Roma in that country as well as the policies aimed at this population.
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