14 Jul 2022 | News, Other publications, Publications
In addition to the mentions to Roma throughout the report, one of the chapters is specifically devoted to Roma equality and inclusion. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)’s Fundamental Rights Report 2022 reviews major developments in the field in 2021,...
25 Sep 2021 | Other publications, Publications
The toolkit draws on exchanges during a peer-to-peer training on programming actions to combat poverty and social exclusion of children, held in January 2021, in the context of the emerging European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) within the context of the ESF Transnational...
4 Aug 2020 | News, Publications
This policy instrument aims to help ensure that every child at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Europe has access to free healthcare, free education, free early childhood education and care, decent housing and adequate nutrition, as part of a European integrated...
21 Jul 2020 | News, Other publications, Publications
This study evaluates the support provided through the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and the European Social Fund (ESF) during the period 2014-2018. An estimated EUR 22 billion is being invested in youth employment operations for the current programming period...
16 Jun 2020 | EURoma Publications, Featured publications, News, Other, Publications
The majority of countries covered are already or are planning to develop special measures to address the situation within the framework of ESI Funds and other EU Funds (notably FEAD), complemented in most cases with actions funded by national resources (at national,...