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EURoma gathers in Prague for the first Management Committee meeting of 2011

EURoma gathers in Prague for the first Management Committee meeting of 2011

EURoma members coming from the ESF and ERDF Managing Authorities as well as bodies responsible for policies at national level for Roma communities, and other relevant stakeholders gathered in Prague last 11th and 12nd of May in order to work on a guide on how to better use Structural Funds for the social inclusion of Roma at local level…

EURoma Network meets in November in Budapest

EURoma Network meets in November in Budapest

The EURoma Network held its half-yearly meeting on 10th-11th November in the city of Budapest, hosted by the Hungarian partners. The meeting gathered some 70 participants, including Structural Funds Managing Authorities and public bodies in charge of Roma policies from the 12 Member States currently involved in the Network…

EURoma Network meets in May in Bratislava

EURoma Network meets in May in Bratislava

The EURoma Network held its half-yearly meeting in May in Bratislava hosted by the Slovak partners. It brought together over 55 participants to discuss a wide range of topics related to Roma and Structural Funds which are currently on the European agenda.

EURoma meets 13th and 14th of December in Madrid

EURoma meets 13th and 14th of December in Madrid

EURoma held its autumn meeting on the 13th and 14th of December in Madrid. Hosted by the Spanish partners, the meeting gathered around 60 participants, including Structural Funds Managing Authorities and public bodies in charge of Roma policies from 16 European countries participating at the meeting…

The city of Rome hosted the 14th meeting of the EURoma Network

The city of Rome hosted the 14th meeting of the EURoma Network

The EURoma Network held its bi-annual meeting on 5th and 6th of June in Rome, hosted by the Italian partners of the Network. Recent developments in Partnership Agreements, new Operational Programmes and the future of Transnational Cooperation 2014-2020 were the core issues.



    List of most relevant references to EURoma Network This toolkit makes reference to the Network and its publications. It also stresses the complementarity of this toolkit with the EURoma Network ‘Tackling Roma Needs in the 2014-2020 Structural Funds...

Los premios RegioStars extienden su plazo para presentar proyectos

Los premios RegioStars extienden su plazo para presentar proyectos

Con el motivo de permitir presentar las candidaturas a tiempo, el plazo de presentación se ha extendido hasta medianoche del 15 de marzo. Como en años anteriores, esta edición de los premios RegioStars pondrá el foco sobre los proyectos más inspirados e innovadores...

Annual Conference on Horizontal priority Marginalized Roma Communities

Annual Conference on Horizontal priority Marginalized Roma Communities

4th May 2010 | Sliač, The Slovak RepublicOrganised by the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma Communities as the coordinator of horizontal priority marginalized Roma communities (HP MRC) under National Strategic Reference Framework 2007...

Seminar: Roma a European Reality

Seminar: Roma a European Reality

10th June 2010 | Brussels, Belgium Poster of the seminar Socialist & Democrats Seminar - ROMA: A European Reality.  Tuesday 10 June from 09h00 to 12h30 in room ASP 3G3 in the European Parliament in Brussels.Info & Registration: Katalin...

Race towards equality in employment

Race towards equality in employment

9th June 2010 | Brussels, Belgium Event hosted by Sajjad Karim, MEP, member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group and Vice President of the European Parliament's Anti Racism and Diversity Intergroup.ENAR is in charge of the registration.Place of the...

Conference “Fighting Roma Poverty, Ensuring Equality”

Conference “Fighting Roma Poverty, Ensuring Equality”

28th June 2010 | Brussels, BelgiumThe Conference "Fighting Poverty, Ensuring Equality" is meant to discuss institutional tools used to fight poverty and promote the equality of Roma. The event will gather representatives of EU and national institutions as well as...

EFC Forum for Roma inclusion meeting

EFC Forum for Roma inclusion meeting

9th and 10th September 2010 | Vienna, Austria A two days event organised by the European Foundation Centre.More information at: EFC website Draft agenda

Contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma

Contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma

15th September 2010 | Budapest, HungaryAs a follow up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and the High Level Events in Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Pecs and Szeged in October 2009 – and in the context of the EY2010 (fight against poverty and social exclusion), the...

European Week of Regions and Cities is now open

European Week of Regions and Cities is now open

8 de octubre de 2010 | Brussels (Belgium)The registration for the 2010 edition of the OPEN DAYS - European Week of Regions and Cities is now open: The pre-programme is available on the...

EURoma Technical Secretariat:
Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)
C/ Ahijones s/n, 28010, Madrid (Spain)
Tel.: +34 91 422 09 68

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