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Seminar on Future Policies Against Roma Discrimination
27-28 October 2009 | Brussels, Belgium Dissemination Poster
EURoma Network Brief on ethnic data collection
The main aim of this paper is to start up a reflection process within the EURoma Network about the collection of ethnic data. It highlights the growing consensus about the importance of collecting these data and underlines the need to progress in this area...
Seminar on innovative practices in the education of children and youth from socially disadvantaged backgrounds
19-20 Nov 2009 | Roma Decade - Poprad, Slovakia The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, the Roma Education Fund and the Decade Trust Fund is organising an International specialized seminar on ‘Creativity and Innovation in the Education of Children from...
Joint FRA, COE, OSCE International Conference on Roma Migration and Freedom of Movement
9-10 November 2009 | Vienna, AustriaThe conference, organised jointly by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), the Commissioner for Human Rights (CHR) of the Council of Europe, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) and the OSCE Office for...
Regional Meeting on ‘Policies and Practices for the Preparation of Teachers for Inclusive Education in Contexts of Social and Cultural Diversity: Research and Actions in the Western Balkans’
7-8 Dec 2009 | ETF - Turin, Italy Agenda
2nd international meeting of Roma women
11-12 January 2010 | Athens, Greece
International Conference on ‘Romani mobilities in Europe: multidisciplinary perspectives’
14th and 15th January 2010 | Oxford, United Kingdom Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne, Life Peer and member of the House of Lords, will give the keynote speech at this International Conference on ‘Romani mobilities in Europe: multidisciplinary perspectives’. Her...
Opening Conference of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
21st January 2010 | Madrid, Spain The Opening Conference of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion will be held in Madrid, Spain, at this Ministry of Health and Social Policy, on 21 January 2010 within the calendar of events of the Spanish...
II Seminar on Roma Migrants
20th January 2010 | Madrid, SpainThis seminar will combine a national dimension with experiences from FSG in Spain and participation of around 70-80 local, regional and state administrations, with a European dimension, namely, to have the most relevant international...
Cohesion Forum
31 January- 1 February | Brussels (Belgium)Every three years, the EU publishes a report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, detailing progress in these areas and how the EU, national and regional governments have contributed. The 5th Cohesion Report has just...
Mid-term report ‘Roma and the Structural Funds’ (2010)
Coinciding with the mid-point of the 2007-2013 programming period, the report reflects on the achievements, shortcomings and challenges ahead for mainstreaming Roma-related issues in Structural Funds programmes and for the EURoma Network itself.
European Conference: Access to employment of socially disadvantaged groups
22nd and 23rd February 2010 | Madrid, SpainThis would be an event with a high technical and political significance led by the Secretariat General for Employment, ESF managing Authority of Spain and NGOs involved in the management of the ESF and working very closely...
Structural Funds: Investing in Roma inclusion at the local and regional level
25th and 26th February 2010 | Rome, ItalyThe main aim of the EURoma network is to promote the use of Structural Funds for the social inclusion of the Roma. In this sense, local and regional administrations are becoming key actors in the development of social inclusion...
Fifth Plenary Assembly of the European Roma and Travellers Forum
Wednesday, 24th February 2010 from 9:30 a.m. to noon | Strasbourg, FranceIf you wish to attend the opening ceremony of the Fifth Plenary Assembly of the European Roma and Travellers Forum, please fill in the attached Media Accreditation Form and return it by e-mail...
Seminar on the activities to improve the impact of policies, programmes and projects aimed at the social inclusion and non-discrimination of Roma people in the EU
1st March 2010 | Budapest, HungaryThe European Commission has commissioned to the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and the Roma Education Fund (REF) a study on activities to improve the impact of policies, programmes and projects aimed at the social inclusion and...
Public Hearing in the European Parliament
3rd March 2010 | Brussels, Belgium Poster of the Hearing
Conference Exhibition on “EU Projects in favour of the Roma Community”
10th and 11th March 2010 | Brussels, BelgiumThe Directorate-General for Education and Culture is organising this conference to discuss the involvement and impact of EU programmes with the Roma minority. It is based on a selection of best examples of projects related...
Meeting on early education of Roma and Sinti
15th and 16th March 2010 | Warsaw, PolandThe meeting focuses on early education of Roma and Sinti children, and discusses in particular the draft brochure prepared by the CPRSI to raise awareness of Roma parent on the importance and benefits of early education. The...
Workshop on the Revision of the Decade National Action Plans
16th March 2010 | Bratislava, SlovakiaMore information at Roma Decade website
Scholars meeting on Roma in Mass Media
16th and 17th March 2010 | Warsaw, PolandThe meeting brings together various experts to discuss recent trends and developments regarding Roma in Europe, share ideas and information about the work (research, surveys, analysis, reports) these experts do, or plan to do....
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